
D' Duenas Bururu Barara Donde Esta Miguel? - "Ru"

The year of birth was actually 2012 however the system doesn't yet allow that year to be used. We will correct as soon as we are able.
Ru has passed all her health tests and those certified can be found on the OFA website. Her eyes are clear (2012), patellas normal (2014), hips good (preliminary in 2014), elbows normal (preliminary in 2014) as well she has had her bloodwork done and everything is normal. No concerns with liver enzymes.

Tenyésztő: Vivian Duenas T
Tulajdonos: Lynda Hand - Lacombe, Kanada

Nem: Szuka
Szín: Arany
Születési dátum: 2011.01.13
Apa: CH Abril Ferher'z
Anya: Oye Chico Milagros

Kan neve?
(névtöredék megadása is elegendő, a * karakterrel tetszőleges számú betű helyettesíthető)
