Bellatak Barbara Ann Bellatak Barbara Ann 5 generációs törzskönyve (100% teljes)

LGD=96.88% (32/31)
COI = 12.5%
CH Bonneterre Domino D'Tapscott ROM: 4.6875%
AM CH Jimka's Gerri O' Setacane: 3.125%
VDHVK Setacane Martini Mit Zitrone: 2.34375%
CH Honeybear von Westfalen: 2.34375%
AM CHMoonrize Stand By Me BellatakMoonrize Stand By Me BellatakAM CHZorro Vom SalzetalZorro Vom SalzetalDisneyland's Lord LindseyBlack & tan fehérOrfino von Waldeck und PyrmontKrém fehérGER CHPillowtalk's NieveKrém arany
DTJCHDina von Waldeck Und PyrmontFekete-fehér
DT CHSantana's Kiss Me KateDT. JUG. CH.Pillowtalk's SantanaArany
Pillowtalk's PrimadonnaFekete-fehér fekete
CHTuff At The Top Lisa vom SalzetalFekete partiCH Honeybear von WestfalenICH NLCH DTCHMucho Bravo Wild WillyEJS'94, BDS'98, BDS'99, BDS 2000, ES'Mucho Bravo Wild Willy
Angelique vom SalzetalHavanna barna fehér
CHLou-Lou Diamond Lady Vom SalzetalFekete VDHVKSetacane Martini Mit ZitroneSable
Disneyland's First Class LadyFehér sable
CHBonneterre's Summer BreezeROMBonneterre's Summer BreezeSmallhaven BingoROMSable Havana's AlfredoHavana's AlfredoHavana's Tickles My Funny Bone
Havana's Candy KissesFekete-fehér
Smallhaven's BlackberryFekete Carousel's Ring MasterSable
Smallhaven's RamonaFekete
Setacane Awesome BlossomFekete Seta Cane Sovereign O' The SnowFehér Havana's Jokers WildROMFekete
Windcrest's Zingaro RagazzaROMFekete
AM CHJimka's Gerri O' SetacaneFekete HCA/ARBA CHDestiny's MaximillionROMDestiny's Maximillion
HCA CHHavana's Elske O'JimkaROMHavana's Elske O'Jimka
AM CHBella C.C. RyderBella C.C. RyderCHTapscott's Twist N Shout D'AmorSable AKC CHYes Giorio Vom SalzetalROMXYes Giorio Vom SalzetalVDHVKSetacane Martini Mit ZitroneSable Seta Cane Sovereign O' The SnowFehér
AM CHJimka's Gerri O' SetacaneFekete
Unbelievable Uljana Vom SalzetalSable CH Honeybear von Westfalen
Rascha of Moonflower
CHBonneterre Domino D'TapscottROMBonneterre Domino D'TapscottBIS AM/INTL CHWest Creek Hot Shot TapscottROMXWest Creek Hot Shot TapscottSetacane Silver SparklerROMFekete
Silverdale's Pomona PeachROMFekete
CHBonneterre Angel BabySable irish piedSmallhaven BingoROMSable
Setacane Awesome BlossomFekete
AM CHAmor Good Golly Ms MollyROMAmor Good Golly Ms MollyCHLos Companero's V HavaluvFekete fehérSetacane's Stoli at SineadeEzüst Setacane GepettoEzüst
AM CHJimka's Gerri O' SetacaneFekete
CH.O'My Lady Blue du Domaine de LunirayBeige sableFR INTLong Cay du Domaine de LunirayKrém
Jouvence du Domaine de Luniray
CHTapscott's IsadorableTapscott's IsadorableCHStarkette Pride of WincroftROMXStarkette Pride of WincroftAM CHVoila Prime TimeROMVoila Prime Time
CHStarkette Cookies And CreamROMStarkette Cookies And Cream
CHBonneterre Domino D'TapscottROMBonneterre Domino D'TapscottBIS AM/INTL CHWest Creek Hot Shot TapscottROMXWest Creek Hot Shot Tapscott
CHBonneterre Angel BabySable irish pied