DUTCH CHAMPION Zenzi Red Hot Chili DUTCH CHAMPION Zenzi Red Hot Chili 5 generációs törzskönyve (100% teljes)

LGD=84.38% (32/27)
COI = 10.94%
ICH FINCH DTCH VDH CH Pillowtalk's Only You Girl: 3.90625%
Pillowtalk's Strawberry N' Cream: 3.90625%
DT CH Pillowtalk's Havana Star: 1.5625%
DTGCH FIN CH Pillowtalk's Perla Puro: 1.5625%
INTER.CHAMP, DEUTSCHER CHAMP VDH&VK, ÖSTERREICH. CHAMP, DJCHAMP VDH&VKPillowtalk`s PatrikiosVDH VK FCIPillowtalk`s PatrikiosPillowtalks Passionatly Red Pillowtalks  Passionatly  Red Pillowtalks Seeing RedPillowtalks Seeing RedCHPillowtalk`s Fire Engine RedKLHZB 06/1743Pillowtalk`s Fire Engine RedPillowtalk's Strawberry N' CreamPillowtalk's Strawberry N' Cream
Yo Soy Floridita
Pillowtalk's Rosa TinaPillowtalk's Rosa TinaPillowtalk's Dio Mio
ICH FINCH DTCH VDH CHPillowtalk's Only You Girl
Pillowtalks PfirsichblütePillowtalk's Strawberry N' CreamPillowtalk's Strawberry N' CreamPillowtalk's Ted E. BarePillowtalk's Ted E. Bare
DTCH DTJCH EURO 92Pillowtalk's RosebudPillowtalk's Rosebud
Pillowtalk's Cara MiaDTCH Pillowtalk's AndiamoPillowtalk's Andiamo
Pillowtalk's Peach BlossomKrém
Pillowtalk's OlympiaPillowtalk's OlympiaMULTI-CHPillowtalk's CesarioINTCH,ES`91,DT.CH,VDH CH,FINNCH,FINNISHPillowtalk's CesarioDTJCH DTCHPillowtalk's JambalayaDT.CH,DT.JUG.CHPillowtalk's JambalayaDTGCH FIN CHPillowtalk's Perla PuroPillowtalk's Perla Puro
DT CHPillowtalk's Havana StarFekete-ezüst arany
Pillowtalk's Elena BlancaFehér DTGCH FIN CHPillowtalk's Perla PuroPillowtalk's Perla Puro
DT CHPillowtalk's Havana StarFekete-ezüst arany
ICH FINCH DTCH VDH CHPillowtalk's Only You GirlPillowtalk's Strawberry N' CreamPillowtalk's Strawberry N' CreamPillowtalk's Ted E. BarePillowtalk's Ted E. Bare
DTCH DTJCH EURO 92Pillowtalk's RosebudPillowtalk's Rosebud
Pillowtalk's SunshineKrém DTCH Pillowtalk's AndiamoPillowtalk's Andiamo
Pillowtalk's CarambaSable
DUTCH CHAMPIONMy Own Ferrari Of The Beardie BunchMy Own Ferrari Of The Beardie BunchNED KAMPRebel Heart's DiegoRebel Heart's DiegoNZ. CHAMP., LUX-CHAMP.,CooperCooperOur Original Paletti Blue TemptationOur Original Paletti Blue TemptationDEUTSCHER CHAMPION, VDH-CHAMPION, DEUTSCHER JUGEND-CHAMPION, LANDESJUGCaballero Capriccio Blue TemptationKrém
Jeany-Bambini Blue TemptationJeany-Bambini Blue Temptation
AgatheOudini de la Tour de SenlisLOF
Rebel Heart's Just The Way I DoRebel Heart's Just The Way I DoICH NLCH DTCHMucho Bravo Wild WillyEJS'94, BDS'98, BDS'99, BDS 2000, ES'Mucho Bravo Wild WillyHavana's Toreador O'PillowtalkHavana's Toreador O'Pillowtalk
Kimbriel's Starlet de la RougeNHSBKimbriel's Starlet de la Rouge
Rebel Heart's Addicted To LoveA Maiden Effort's Shut UpA Maiden Effort's Shut Up
A Maiden Effort's Lamborgini
Havie's Goldy Of The Beardie BunchHavie's Goldy Of The Beardie BunchAmador Von Den HerzileinsDT. JGD CHAMPIONXedos Blue Temptation Xedos Blue TemptationDTJCHSkywalker Blue TemptationSkywalker Blue Temptation
Cinderella Blue TemptationKrém
Tara Talita Von Den HerzileinsDUTCH - LUX - BELGIUM - INT CHAMPIONBuenos Amigos What A SurpriseWINNER '06 / BELGIUM WINNER '07Buenos Amigos What A Surprise
CH.Quendolina von AjaccioES`02,DT.BS02,VS02,DTJCHSable
Mucho Bravo Bling Gucci BlingMucho Bravo Bling Gucci BlingMULTI CHPayasa Zoom Zoom ZappaCHStarkette Pride of WincroftROMXStarkette Pride of Wincroft
AM CHLeonardos Payasita Yoyo Rn
Mucho Bravo Poe Poe PidoeMucho Bravo Poe Poe PidoeCH.Sandra's True Temptation TangoES`01,DTCH,VDH-CH,HAV.DJ.01+02,VS02Sandra's True Temptation Tango
Mucho Bravo Jojo DudeljoSable