Feliz finished her championship by nine months of age, entirely owner/handled and won Four Group placements before ten months of age. She has completed all health testing with excellent results and has her CHIC no# also.
Tenyésztő: Pamela & Jeanne Tapscott
Tulajdonos: Pamela & Jeanne Tapscott - Riversdie, Mo., USA
E-mail: Havacrest1@aol.com
Weboldal: www.havacrest.homestead.com
Nem: Szuka
Szín: Fekete-fehér
Születési dátum: 2003.12.09
Apa: BIS AM/INTL CH West Creek Hot Shot Tapscott ROMX
Anya: Beautifull Carlita Vom Salzetal ROMX
AM CH Tapscott's Master Of Ceremony ROM Sable parti kan
AM CH Tapscott's It's All About Me Fekete-fehér parti szuka
AMER/CAN CH Tapscott's Lightning Strike Sable parti kan
Tapscott's Storm Warning kan
Tapscott's Tornado Watch kan
AM/CAN/INT'L CH Tapscott's Mr. Hot-Shot CGC Fekete-fehér parti kan
AM/CAN CH Tapscott's Mister Hot-Shot CGC kan
Tulajdonos: Pamela & Jeanne Tapscott - Riversdie, Mo., USA
E-mail: Havacrest1@aol.com
Weboldal: www.havacrest.homestead.com
Nem: Szuka
Szín: Fekete-fehér
Születési dátum: 2003.12.09
Apa: BIS AM/INTL CH West Creek Hot Shot Tapscott ROMX
Anya: Beautifull Carlita Vom Salzetal ROMX
AM CH Tapscott's Master Of Ceremony ROM Sable parti kan
AM CH Tapscott's It's All About Me Fekete-fehér parti szuka
AMER/CAN CH Tapscott's Lightning Strike Sable parti kan
Tapscott's Storm Warning kan
Tapscott's Tornado Watch kan
AM/CAN/INT'L CH Tapscott's Mr. Hot-Shot CGC Fekete-fehér parti kan
AM/CAN CH Tapscott's Mister Hot-Shot CGC kan
Kan neve?
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