This beautiful young bitch is shown here at 5 1/2 months old. She is now 9 months old and would be finished, but due to health issues in our family, she has not been able to hit the ring except twice and she did very well both times. She is Cerfed and Baer tested excellent so far. She is from OUTSTANDING lines and we hope she will live up to them all. She was pick of litter puppy, and she stole our heart when we first saw her~

Tenyésztő: J. McCracken
Tulajdonos: PAMM AND JEANNE TAPSCOTT - Riverside. MO., USA
Nem: Szuka
Szín: Fekete parti
Születési dátum: 2009.12.30
Apa: AM CH Amblers D'Ya Wanna Dance JR
Anya: CH Fairways Lady Gwenevere
Tulajdonos: PAMM AND JEANNE TAPSCOTT - Riverside. MO., USA
Nem: Szuka
Szín: Fekete parti
Születési dátum: 2009.12.30
Apa: AM CH Amblers D'Ya Wanna Dance JR
Anya: CH Fairways Lady Gwenevere
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