Benny was born in 2012 (which was not an optional choice when filling out this form). His first weekend of showing was at 7 months and he won a 5 point major. With limited showing he became a CH at 11 months (receiving three majors, including two 5 point majors) and became a GCH at 14 months and also won a Group 3 at 14 months. He is always owner-handled by Carol. Benny has his CHIC # and has passed all his health tests.

Tenyésztő: David J & Darlene R Scheiris/Patricia & Steven Lucas/Lorette Ball
Tulajdonos: Carol Janes & George Janes & Darlene Scheiris & David J Scheiris - Tennessee, USA
Nem: Kan
Szín: Fekete-fehér parti
Születési dátum: 2011.08.05
Apa: BINSS BIS CH Havntyme El Vengador
Anya: AM CAN CH That's Hot To Trot In Bedlem
AKC CH That's The Original Parti Girl Eh Fekete-fehér parti szuka
AKC GCH That's The Eye Of The Tiger Black & tan fehér jegyekkel kan
Tulajdonos: Carol Janes & George Janes & Darlene Scheiris & David J Scheiris - Tennessee, USA
Nem: Kan
Szín: Fekete-fehér parti
Születési dátum: 2011.08.05
Apa: BINSS BIS CH Havntyme El Vengador
Anya: AM CAN CH That's Hot To Trot In Bedlem
AKC CH That's The Original Parti Girl Eh Fekete-fehér parti szuka
AKC GCH That's The Eye Of The Tiger Black & tan fehér jegyekkel kan
Szuka neve?
(névtöredék megadása is elegendő, a * karakterrel tetszőleges számú betű helyettesíthető)