Buster is an AKC/CAN/MEX/FCI Internation Champion. he has been shown around the world, including placements at the 2002 Worlds Show in Amsterdam and was Awarded Reserve Best Dog to the BOB at Crufts in 2005, Buster was the first American Havanese to be shown at Crufts.

Breeder: Jeannette Stark & Mary Kapor
Owner: Barbara & Michele Johannes - St. Charles, USA
E-mail: WincroftHavs@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.WincroftKennels.com
Sex: Male
Color: Black irish pied
Date of birth: 05.11.1998
Sire: AM CH Voila Prime Time ROM
Dam: CH Starkette Cookies And Cream ROM
Starkette Berries N'Cream Black & White female
Starkette Buddy Bentley male
AM CH Starkette Deja's Hoop Dreams ROM Black irish pied female
CH Starkette Gingerbred Galina female
Full siblings:
CH Starkettes Pride Of Wincroft ROM male
CH. Starkette Pirde Of Wincroft
CAN INT CH Starkette Pride Of Windcroft
Owner: Barbara & Michele Johannes - St. Charles, USA
E-mail: WincroftHavs@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.WincroftKennels.com
Sex: Male
Color: Black irish pied
Date of birth: 05.11.1998
Sire: AM CH Voila Prime Time ROM
Dam: CH Starkette Cookies And Cream ROM
Starkette Berries N'Cream Black & White female
Starkette Buddy Bentley male
AM CH Starkette Deja's Hoop Dreams ROM Black irish pied female
CH Starkette Gingerbred Galina female
Full siblings:
CH Starkettes Pride Of Wincroft ROM male
CH. Starkette Pirde Of Wincroft
CAN INT CH Starkette Pride Of Windcroft
Name of the female?
(It is enough to type a part of the name. You can use the * character to substitute a part of the name.)